Renault Captur Geneva Motor Show 2011 Авто выставка в Женеве

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Renault Captur Geneva Motor Show 2011 Авто выставка в Женеве

Сообщение stuharding » Пт фев 04, 2011 2:08 pm

Renault Captur Geneva Motor Show 2011 Авто выставка в Женеве.mp4


Renault Captur Geneva Motor Show 2011
(Рено Каптур, Авто выставка в Женеве)
Новая метла по-новому метёт? Эту шаблонную поговорку вполне можно было применить к Renault -- на смену шеф-дизайнеру компании, французу Патрику ле Кеману, пришёл голландец Лоренс ван ден Акер. Но то ли в Renault дают художникам большую свободу, то ли сама атмосфера в дизайн-студии царит соответствующая -- менее экстравагантными концепт-кары марки отнюдь не становятся! В этом можно убедиться на примере сразу двух машин Renault, представленных на автосалоне в Женеве.
English Version:
To replace the chief designer of the company, Frenchman Patrick Le Kemanu came Dutchman Laurens van den Acker. But whether in the Renault give artists more freedom, or the atmosphere itself in the design studio reigns appropriate - less extravagant concept cars mark is not becoming! This can be seen on the example of two cars Renault, presented at the Geneva Motor Show.
Take a look at Renault Captur - compact crossover, which obviously must like active youth. Bright color, a huge 22-inch (!) Wheels, LED optics, "Lambo-doors - there is all the attributes of fans to show themselves. However, "drew» Captur not the van den Acker, his task - to coordinate the actions of subordinates, so they do not make something absurd, do not fit the style of the company. Not surprisingly, the Captur many borrowed from the show car DeZir, presented in the autumn in Paris.
Happened or not - to judge the public, but the author of the exterior design, Julio Lozano, clearly delighted by Renault Captur. By his own admission, he drew inspiration from a photo-runner sprinter, dull to start with a shot from a pistol. One way or another, but to compare Captur unwittingly like a congenial and have a serial Nissan Juke.
Along the length of "French" Juke exceeds by nearly 10 inches (4223 mm) long and the wheelbase (+94 mm), which no longer makes you think about the conventions of its four seats. True, if the same Juke also has a four-wheel drive version, with Renault Captur leading only to the front wheels. Of the interesting features - the anterior transverse differential lock and the robot a dual-clutch transmission.
And, of course, we should note a new engine. This volume of 1,6 liters of diesel. But his performance a pleasant surprise - thanks to two turbines, he gives 160 power and 380 Nm of torque! With such a "heart» Renault Captur boosted to "hundreds" for 8 seconds and reaches 211 km / h.
Most likely, Captur in a form on the road will never leave - Renault run in it is not so much the concept of a compact crossover as designed. A base for future production cars will "related» Nissan Juke. But, of course, proven technical and stylistic solutions will certainly appear in future Renault. This concept - an integral part of the company's strategy, designed in 2016 to turn upside down view of cars Renault.

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